I don't know if I've already said this or not but you can go like my rabbitry page on FB @ Liberty rabbitry or friend me to see pics of my herd @ Nick Greene. Thanks!
We have about four or five Hawks surrounding our property so I would definitely be careful about leaving while they were in it.
I don't really know what gauges I would need yet, I'll probably end up just seeing what they have at my local farm store and decide there.
My plan is to just have walls made out of hardware cloth and have no floors or roof. They'd only be out in the pen for about a half hour day and the pen would be set about 8 feet away from my garden so while they were out in the pen I would garden while they were playing.
I do have a Pinterest so I'll check it out on there tonight. The reason I'm thinking about using hardware cloth is because I'm nervous my barn cats might stick their paws through the holes.
I think I may get a roll of hardware cloth and use zip ties to keep it together. I was thinking about trying to find used dog crates and somehow putting them together into one big pen but, I think hardware cloth would be cheaper and easier.
I may get a harness for my buck and keep putting the doe in the play pen. The buck is more tolerant than the doe so as long as there's food he'll go anywhere :lol:. I would love to see any pictures you have of your set up.
Do you have pics? I'm going to need to expand mine soon but I need ideas. I would also need some way to split it in half so the buck and doe can't get to each other.
Sorry for not being on for so long. Just wanted to say my doe has pretty much gotten rid of her runny eye.
I ended up putting a plantain/comfrey salve around it. Thanks for the help!
Thanks! Hens and Roos I will post as she improves.
@HomesteaderWife thanks for the information! I will be going to Tractor supply co. In the morning to see if they have anything,
if they don't I will go to the local vet to see what they suggest.
Is using terramicin for weepy eye safe for rabbits?
My doe has had it for around two weeks.
Until now I've been trying to clean it out with a warm damp paper towel.
but today I noticed a little bit of redness around her eye which I assume is infection.