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  1. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love that idea!! I wish, but I need my goats, cows, sheep and poultry free ranging everywhere lol. Ugh, but it honestly seems so amazingly great. And just imagine, what if it was all humane certified and everything? Plus all heritage breeds? I would more than anything want it! I...
  2. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    OH! I actually thought it wasn't recessive because of Satin Angoras was a cross between a French Angora and a Satin rabbit, then bred from there as a breed... That's good to know! And I can see that happening. I really don't think it'd be the best of plans, lol. I'm thinking that the Angoras...
  3. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    Thank you for everything! I honestly am looking forward to rabbits one day, and am thinking that I probably wouldn't cross the both fiber and meat animals together... I know nothing about 4-H, honestly, but does that mean you breed the French Angoras? And if you do, have you found a significant...
  4. J

    Official Poll: How do you keep your HERDS cool this summer?

    From sand? Wow! How do you keep it damp? By auto sprinklers or do you mist it here and there a few times a day?
  5. J

    Official Poll: How do you keep your HERDS cool this summer?

    For your chickens, did you find a significant difference? I like to think it wold keep animals cool, but living close to the beach, the sand is extremely hot to the touch barefoot.
  6. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    Thank you! That'l help me in my decisions for sure. :) Do Silver foxes make good pelts? I'm thinking of making mittens and stuff with the pelts, but it's not necessary. I just want fiber and meat. You did say that older rabbits are needed for pelts... We'll see how this goes, and I'm sure I...
  7. J

    Official Poll: How do you keep your HERDS cool this summer?

    I've always read that sand is a great bedding to cool down animals... How come no one does this? Or am I missing something here??
  8. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    Thank you! The tags are going to be an immense amount of help to me. :) Do pelts need to be from older rabbits?? I can see how too young could be a problem, like duck or goose down I suppose? And to mask the smell of rabbit, what do you usually do if you don't like it? For chicken in our...
  9. J

    Some Rabbit Questions

    I'm very sure some of my questions have been asked, but I have some other things thrown in here. Some ideas that I've been contemplating but have no idea if they'd work or not! I would like a meat rabbit that I and possibly, my family, would eat. Nobody has tasted it yet except for one person...
  10. J

    What is the best goat breed for a small homestead?

    @Latestarter Seriously?! Is that only from goat's milk or in general? To what I know, drinking whole cow's milk is bad for your cholestrol... Really cruious right now!! XD Thank you for your warm welcome. I definitely appreciate this. :)
  11. J

    What is the best goat breed for a small homestead?

    Other than kinders, which are, no doubt, a fantastic dual purpose breed for many, but there are tons of boer x dairy crosses. Some cross Boers and Saanens (boer male, saanen female), use a doeling from the cross, and cross again with a boer buck. This is a cross female that gives the quantity of...