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  1. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Okay so his mouth is warm now so I'm alittle less worried he just had to warm up a bit.
  2. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Thanks everyone! I'm in love with all of them! Thanks! And yep! I'm gonna be keeping 1 buck and the doe and selling the other 2 bucks:hit:hit
  3. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Here's the little boy I'm gonna be supplementing. The rest are doing great Meredith passed her placenta. How much colostrum should he be getting he is only taking about 2 ounces every hour so far I think I have got about 4-5 ounces in him since he was born but I'm gonna get up every hour and a...
  4. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Okay I think she is done
  5. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Gonna have to ssupplementthe little white boy he is skin and bones!
  6. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Best I could get lol I think she has one more but not sure.
  7. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    #4 very very small buckling! She may have 1 more
  8. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    #3 breech buckling back feet first so had to pull him aswell. I bumped this I felt another
  9. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Baby #2 a small doeling came with both legs back and only a head and Meredith couldn't get her out so I had to go in I feel 1 maybe 2 more!
  10. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Baby #2 a small doeling came with both legs back and only a head and Meredith couldn't get her out so I had to go in I feel 1 maybe 2 more!
  11. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Baby #1 buck! And baby number 2 is coming now!
  12. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Haha just realized she chose to kid right next to my broody hen
  13. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    She stopped it was only a few pushes. I went to go eat and she freaked out running everywhere so I came back in she laid back down and started to push then I left again and she freaked out agian so I gusses I'm stuck sitting right next to her :lol::love
  14. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    She pushing hard now!
  15. SandDherds

    Black beauty's kidding thread!

    Oh yes everything is perfect! She passed the placenta and the mastitis is gone she is a happy girl now!
  16. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Can't see that well cause it fell off but if you look on the ground you can kinda see it. she has a long string of amber fluid and she is starting to have contractions.
  17. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Can't see that well cause it fell off but she has a long string of amber fluid and starting to have contraction.
  18. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Okay so looks like we will actually have some babies today!:weee:celebrate:weee:celebrate Ligas are completely gone. yesterday when I felt her ligs I still felt what felt like them under the spine and then they kept coming back more and more evey time I checked her until they were tight. Her...
  19. SandDherds

    Meredith's Kidding Thread!

    Sill nothing but she does not want to be touched at all! I couldn't feel her ligs cause she didn't want me to go near her. Its funny cause this morning she wanted to be all up in my face and wanted scratches and to be by me even more than she did before and now I feel like she is saying "get...