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  1. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    I still have a lot of J-clamps left over so that won't be a problem. I saw the channeled strips in pictures on another thread and was like "Oh, I gotta get me some of that stuff!" :ep. I have scratches all over me just from trying to build the cages. :lol:
  2. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Thank you. Any recommendations on which way the door opens? I've been told it can open any way you want it, but I would like to hear what has seemed to work best for you guys.
  3. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Gotta love the internet. :lol: The rooster's shouldn't lean either.
  4. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    You're welcome. I still consider us newbies to chicken showing so I understand. Someone a lot more knowledgeable in chickens, and their breed characteristics, do the judging. Like you, we just take the ones we think are the prettiest. :D =D Here is an example of a judge's score card (not our...
  5. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Thank you! There are breed standards for chickens just like any other animal. It involves weight, feather markings, comb types, measurements across the breast and back, along with a lot of other details. Our county isn't big in poultry showing so the judging is a little more relaxed. Some...
  6. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    I agree! This kid has been building things since he could pick stuff up. Legos, sticks/mud/rocks, couch cushions/bar stools/blankets.... he doesn't care as long as he can make something. He has been looking into careers in Engineering, but wants to go into the Armed Forces (the specifics change...
  7. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Thank you. We receive compliments on the children's behavior (who knew Please, Thank you, Ma'am, and Sir could make such an impression), so hopefully we're doing something right. More credit goes to the kids than us, really. They have the ability to act a different way no matter what we do. BUT...
  8. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Thank you! I've been looking through the threads to try to find some ideas, hopefully I will run across the PVC post soon. I have a gutter at home that is just surplus from another project so if I can get the cages to hang I would like to put some tin under the cages at an angle to run all the...
  9. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Thank you @Latestarter. That girl absolutely loves her animals! The boys, however, couldn't really care less (hence the lack of pictures), lol. My oldest does like helping me build the things we need to support the garden and animals, though. As for the upbringing, I always wanted my kids to...
  10. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Thank you! I definitely would have been (even more) lost without your help!
  11. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    Here goes my storybook, at least the summary version. :D We've always done a garden of some type... container, raised bed, traditional.... Well it turns out my daughter found out you can't have a successful garden without chickens!!! :eek::barnie And of course then you have to have a...
  12. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    I was just thinking about that @frustratedearthmother. I have some t-posts just hanging around waiting on a job. I might as well set a cage on top of them. What did you use to secure the cage to the t-post. I'm not sure how big the rabbits are going to be when they are full grown so I would...
  13. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Great idea! Thanks!
  14. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    The sides are 14 ga. The bottom is either 14 or 16 (I can't remember). I'm worried that since it is much bigger than I had originally planned that it may not hang well. I'm afraid it will buckle. We may just hang it and set some weights in it to see how it holds up before we put a rabbit in it...
  15. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    I'm definitely not going to have a successful cage building business anytime soon, but here's our first attempt. I'm needing a few more clamps on the roof as well as a door and hole for the feeder, but do you think it will hold a rabbit? Its a little taller than what I originally planned, but...
  16. ccheek

    Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

    My mother in law lives in KY, outside of Lexington. Beautiful place. We like to go visit in the spring. Hope everything works out for you.
  17. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Thank you so much! Love the website!
  18. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Our chickens get all our non-meat table scraps. Is there certain things I can/can't give the rabbits as well? I feel bad taking treats to the chickens all the time and nothing to the rabbits.
  19. ccheek

    New to Rabbits

    Thank you. They have been fun, no matter what mix breed they may be.
  20. ccheek

    CCheek's Cheer!

    This is it.... it started with gardens and chickens and has evolved to rabbits... I'm not sure where it's going to end up but we are so happy to see the progress! I will be posting pictures of how it all came to be, what it is now, and whatever it brings in the future! I'm excited to see the...