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  1. G

    Thick white discharge?

    Great thanks guys. We spoil her and keep her inside the yard to mow the grass for us so we dont have to. and then at night she goes into the Doe pen. Was makin sure nothin was goin wrong! Thanks guys! ~hugs~
  2. G

    Thick white discharge?

    I have a 5 month old nubian/boar cross and she has some discharge comming out and it looks like her "area" is a bit enlarged. Anyone know whats goin on? She couldnt be comming into season could she?
  3. G

    Best homemade udder wash?

    Im tryin to find a simple easy recipe for udder wash that i can use on my doe. if anyone wouldnt mind sharing their recipe id be greatful. Thanks
  4. G

    A tiny hint of red tint to the milk?

    2nd day of milking the doe. milked her once yesterday afternoon and then milked her this mornin and this afternoon. in the afternoon milk it looked like a tiny hint of red in the milk? is somethin wrong? is this normal if you milk to much? help!?
  5. G

    Goat troubles

    Ive been milking goats and cows for a long time. My husband always looks at me and says "How do you do that" i try and show him how and nothin! lol. After alot of trying to milk it finally broke free. Glenolam was right about the plug. was happy to get her milked. was worried about it.
  6. G

    Goat troubles

    My doe is doing just fine acting normal. she got all the after birth out just fine and is eating like a horse.
  7. G

    Goat troubles

    Last night my Nubian goat gave birth to 3 premi kids. I couldnt get them to breath so i lost all 3 last night and it about killed me. My doe has a huge udder But when i go to try and milk her Nothing comes out. Anyone out there have any ideas whats going on? Id be so greatful to anyones help...
  8. G

    BEst way to tell if your doe is preganat?

    I have a nubian doe that was exposed to a Buck. Anyone know a way to tell if they are preggers without havin to take them to the vet?
  9. G

    Sick goat HELP

    Sadly Jasmine died today. i have no idea what could of been wrong with her. But i took her off their bottles 1 and a half months or more ago. But i thank ALL of you for your help.:(
  10. G

    Sick goat HELP

    I have a 3 month old Nubian/Boar cross i bought her and her twin sister when they were 2 weeks old and bottle fed them. Up until 2 weeks ago my goat Jasmine and had some problems and i have read every book. and looked into every goat sickness their is and i cant find ANYTHING that matches her...