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  1. M

    Boer/Nigerian Cross....

    i bought a buck of the very cross you have asked about, for my purpose he is fine. he has breed a boer doe and she produced a mini boer doe. he produced a buck with my pygmy, he was really meaty. hispanics went crazy and had to have him. so thats my 2 cents.
  2. M

    Very agressive buck

    the best thing for him would be to find him a new home, be sure they know about his problem. or turn hin into to tacos. my mom ruined a good beor buck my father had by playing with him all the time, by pushing on his head....when got to about 200 pounds he was doing all the pushing. he had to go.
  3. M

    Smallest Full-Size Dairy goat?

    dont know what you mean by full sized, but my nigerian dwarf is small, maybe 50 pounds.