@DustyBoot we have TAMUK composites that do very well in the heat and humidity (I am in Alabama). They do seem to do a little better than our New Zealands. Our rabbits are in hung cages under a shaded open shed. I turn on a box fan on the hotter days, and on the hottest they get ice chunks. I...
Just now seeing this, but I agree with fruatratedearthmother. Have you seen him try to mount the sows? Overweight sows can also have difficulties becoming pregnant, but with four open sows I would think he might be the problem.
Baymule, I am from south Alabama (Henry County). I moved to Auburn for college, got married and settled in east central Alabama (Chambers County). I am going to try to get some pictures up later. I am a picture junkie myself, and love to look at people's animals and farm projects.
I do any stock work like worming or trimming in the evening. Every waterer gets dumped out and scrubbed at noon and topped that evening and the next morning. With the high heat we have been having the water gets scummy fast. The rabbits have a fan and frozen water bottles, the chickens have a...
Micah, we have thought about getting an AGH gilt/sow to breed to our kune kune boar. Some of the people around here that do pasture pigs really like that cross.
Ponker, we are really liking the kune kune. My family had hogs when I was a kid, and my hubby and I have had feeder pigs. The...
Could the bumps on her neck be from wolves (warble larvae, cattle grubs)? We see them in my area this time of the year in wild animals and occasionally domestic ones. There is usually a hole in the middle of the bump if that is what it is. Parasites can really drag an animal down
Hey ya'll! I live in Alabama with my hubby and kids. I'm a former 4-H and FFA member and have been around stock most of my life. We currently have three goats (Boer, Nigerian x Nubian, Fainting), two equines (AQH and mini), two pigs (kune kune) rabbits (New Zealands, TAMUK Composites) a flock...