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  1. M

    Quick Advice Needed

    My herd is not on our property and I have two young children. I didn’t want to cause her more stress by trying to put her in a kennel in the back of a truck and driving her 15 minutes at night down the road in 60 degree weather. Her udder is full and the same as earlier today. She was grinding...
  2. M

    Quick Advice Needed

    She is walking with a hunched back, very slowly and grinding her teeth
  3. M

    Quick Advice Needed

    Came back 3 hours later, no baby. She’s in pain. She isn’t dilated enough. I could only get 3 fingers in but the baby is not in the birth canal. We don’t control breed so I don’t have dates but she should be due based on outward signs and the other does kidding. I found her laying. She stood but...
  4. M

    Quick Advice Needed

    I have goats for almost 6 years and never seen this. Have a first time kidder in labor. Every time she lays down and gets up I see thick bloody mucus. She doesn’t look dilated enough to have the baby but I know they can fool ya. This buck has thrown some good sized kids. She’s definitely in...
  5. M

    Orphaned 2 month old

    Can’t find him and he’s not hollering like normal. He got out the pen (sneaky thing) so I don’t know
  6. M

    Orphaned 2 month old

    He’s not interested in the alfalfa or the feed. He just sits down. He stinks too... I don’t think he will make it
  7. M

    Orphaned 2 month old

    Thank you so much!!! I just bought probiotics for another goat so I will give him some too today
  8. M

    Orphaned 2 month old

    Ok, let me do some clarifying. The pen is an open pen and is about 50’ x 30’ maybe more. The other goat that died, died over a year ago. I didn’t have this mama when it happened. She died from old age. I have tried to bottle feed kids this age before with no success. Even tried when the kid...
  9. M

    Orphaned 2 month old

    so my buck is about 2 months old. His mama died from pneumonia a couple of weeks ago. He’s fat, almost too fat (bloated?), “bah”s a lot and just seems out of it. I had another young buck loose his mama and he ended up dying. Don’t want a repeat. Any advice? Obviously too old for a bottle. He’s...
  10. M

    Goat udder with matastis

    That sucks... About the kid dying from deficiency.... Hmmmm no I didn't do a cmt. Not even sure what that is. Her bag is big, hard and lumpy
  11. M

    Goat udder with matastis

    I had someone buy me a pair few years ago. She's a great goat but had a blown out udder and mastitis. Her udder was huge but she would never let me do anything with it and honestly I didn't know what to do. Well she had twins this time around and they were doing well on the one side. One died...
  12. M

    What's this?

    She acts fine. Doesn't look any different this morning. Eating, drinking and peeing/popping fine. Yes to the auction question but she didn't look like this when she ran thru the ring. This all developed after the fact
  13. M

    What's this?

    We don't have a very good goat vet around
  14. M

    What's this?

    I asked a goat friend and she said that sometimes this happens when they eat a lot and then aren't fed a while. She also said she thought She was wormy. Idk.... We will see. Hope it's not a death sentence
  15. M

    What's this?

    I just bought this goat. She did not look like this when I bought her. When I picked her up and got her home this! Never seen something like this. It's not hard, it's gushy and sounds like a waterbed.
  16. M

    1 good udder, twins

    hey guys. I have this amazing nanny who always raises a jam up kid. This year though she had twins for the first time on my place. Did I mention she's a great mom? Problem is (maybe) she only has one good udder. The other was blown out before I got her. Can she raise them both on one side? She...
  17. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    He was drinking about 2 qts at a time and I was putting 4 in. He never gulped it down. Today he seemed back to himself after the probiotic. I force fed him last night. He drank a pint this morning of milk, a quart of electrolytes at lunch and a quart of milk for supper just now. Is this enough...
  18. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    What kind of thermometer? Or does it matter?
  19. M

    Bottle calf not drinking

    If I was closer I would talk it also. Hope you find someone soon. Someone gave this one to us for the same reason. We raise them, teaching our son about it as we go (he's 19 months) and sell the calf putting the money in his savings