Well, I may be going to Va, in the middle of God's country, so the predators will be larger than most places. They have bear, coyote, fox,, and who knows what else.
This place is on 8 acres, with the pasture being clover. The fencing is barb wire, so I was wanting a different way of doing some...
Hey all. Getting close to getting a place and curious as to just setting up a 5 strand electric fence for goats, and 3 strands for the pigs. Will that work?
I think we may have finally found a place that works for us. Although 7 acres, I'm getting too old to deal with much more, lol.
What I...
Been looking at Rouens, a good all purpose duck, so they say, plus they dont really fly too far either. I'd like to keep them in a large shelter/pen enclosure, but we'll see what happens. I'm a landscaper and a cook, so right now, between the 2 jobs, I haven't had time to sneeze hardly. I just...
Hey buddy!! I know you have ducks at your place and was wondering how many hens you need for 1 drake? We're still in the process of finding a place, but I am considering adding a few ducks in the clan, and was hoping you could be of help. I didn't want to highjack your thread over a hypothetical...
For the selling aspect on the eggs, I was thinking that maybe a flea market or something like that. Of course many others in the area might be doing that too. I do want to raise them, but I haven't really done enough research to see how it is actually done, especially if some of my breeds aren't...
I should have clarified some of my statements last night, but there was a lot going on around here. I know that totally organic will be too expensive for us, but we will still try and get the closest we can to it without going broke in the process.
The bsls, are in fact the black sex links. I...
This is something we've been considering as well!! We're just trying to make the most of our space, when we actually get it. Just not totally sure how we will go about it yet, but these posts on here are really helping us along. So, thank you all!!
That's another goal of ours is to raise some...
Thanks Latestarter, we have looked on all of the sites we can find though. Luckily for us, we will only be moving a few hours away, so we won't have to drive that long!
Hello all. I have lately not been praying half as much as I should be, but always give thanks for what I have and have accomplished, which we all know is not enough. Anyway, my DW's dad just passed away this morning, and I would like to add her, Jacque, and her brother, James to this prayer...
Here's what we're thinking of right now. Ill send two links because I cant get the pics on one of them. http://homeslandcountrypropertyforsale.com/farms/properties/tn-manuf-mobile-home-wacreage-for-sale-hohenwald-tn/...
It almost seeming like I should just buy a slaughter cow every year and add more smaller livestock. S
It seems like the feeding and care would about even out to just getting one processed. Actually, I like pork and chicken better anyway, lol.
My actually thought on it was 20-30 acres, that I wanted, but most properties that I have found, there has been discrepancies in them. Whether no barns, coops, fencing, or the house is nasty. Anyway, I guess I could settle for 15 acres, but still not ready to. I want to supply for my livestock...
I plan to go to the other side of the state, but would imagine that I could get something similar in Memphis or Nashville.
Btw, theres a decent place in Rogersville you may like! Don't remember the address though, as I have search through so many lately.
Another thing to consider is the IRS...