I recently bought four pigs (50lbs each) that would have been sold for show pigs but lacked the desirable characteristics. They are long and lean with the big hams on the back end. I am not going to feed them show rations but rather let them graze/root in grassy/weedy pens and eat a typical...
I'm getting two dexter steers, currently 9 months old, in a couple weeks. I have roughly five acres of pasture that hasnt been grazed in a few years so it's in pretty good shape. Ideally I'd like to do graze them until the fall then have them slaughtered. I realize they probably wouldn't have...
I have a breeding pair of Kune Kune's about 20 months old. They have grown up together in the same pen but have never bred. If I want them to breed should I separate them for a while? Or is one of them maybe not viable? The boar noses the gilt around but I've never actually witnessed him top...
I'm looking at Angus most likely, they are pretty available in my area. But they can be pricey too. Just looking for something I can raise on grass over the summer and maximize my beef while minimizing my cost.
I'm thinking of raising a couple weaned calves on grass until the fall then having them slaughtered at roughly a year old. Anyone have any suggestions on what breed(s) may be best for this? I'm looking to minimize my overall feed costs. The beef will be mainly for myself and my family so a...