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  1. J

    Worming donkey

    What is the best wormer to use for my donkey .... He is about a year old and I have wormed him with ivomec twice. Kw but he is still pot bellied ....he gets sweet feed twice a day a free graze on pasture .
  2. J

    Donkey and goats

    Lol sounds like my farm ....I need to charge admission....we do have a hot wire about 3 ft up from the ground for the goats but we are going to set a string lower .....we have been here for years and not one time a problem until that attack..... Donkey does seem to be doing great with everyone...
  3. J

    Donkey and goats

    Thank you for all the advice everybody.... We have also doubled up the fencing and I'm in the process of taking the people to court..... Hopefully donkey will work out okay we love him
  4. J

    Donkey and goats

    Great thank you !! I just get concerned because you feel his hips ...but I've only had him a few weeks ...we have a huge pasture so hopefully he will fatten up soon . Do you think he will stay friends with the goats ?
  5. J

    Donkey and goats

    We have a problem with neighbors dogs attacking our potbellied pig and goats.... We got a 6mth old jack donkey (I am getting him gelded) he loves the goats and eats with them . Will this situation stay the same ? I don't want him to kill my goats one day ? I've read some bad stories but all seem...