This is my rabbit's first litter. There are ten kits. I guess this one kit got pushed to the side for a feeding or two and now is super dehydrated. She is very skinny and all signs point majorly to dehydration. If you pinch any of her skin it stays up and all skin is drooping. I fear she is not...
Oh okay! Now, my rabbit is not very easily handled and I don't want to stress her out or scare her by putting my hand under her stomach. Do you know of a way to help her calm down or should she be fine?
Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm doing this right and not going to...
Okay. Great to know! They are pretty cozy with each other and so far I've seen, she hasn't fussed at all, so I think I will keep a look out for any fussing and if I see ANY, I will take him out immediately. I don't think I'll let it go past a week though. Would that be okay?
No, you're good! Okay, that is good to know, thank you. :)
Yes, after the first known breeding it has been around seven days. Thank you for the information. :)
Okay, so I have my male and female rabbit together. They have *cough* made love. Lol. I've seen where if you see that your rabbit is pregnant to immediately separate the male from her, but can't I just leave them together until kindling time or no? :idunno
I'm not all the way sure if she's...