Phantom pregnancy? I have a doe pulling fur and putting it in the corner of the cage as if shes building a nest. I have never had a phantom pregnancy before. She last kindled end of January, so not too long ago. I went ahead and put a nest box in with her to relieve any stress but I know she has...
Thanks! I'm actually buying a red doe in a week :) she isn't pedigreed like my other rabbits but in a few generations I will be able to have a pedigreed line from her. She is coming from a meat rabbit home so I didn't really expect her to be pedigreed. She is only 8 weeks so it'll be a while...
I decided to breed the buck with the doe that carries blue, so we have a 25% chance of blue babies. I bred the Blue doe to our seasoned buck the same day. I have two does I am waiting to breed, I want to spread the births out a little bit.
My mom wants a "pet" rabbit, and I am looking at a...
Going to try and breed my youngest buck this weekend! I know he carries blue, I am trying to decide to breed him to one that carries blue as well or one that is blue. The one that carries blue shares no genes with him and the one that is blue shares roughly 1/2 the same genetic material. I am...
We've decided to keep a couple steel rabbits. We keep getting them anyways :p. Keiko (the doe) has a ton of ticking, I'm hoping that means she has some good modifiers and/or ww. :fl
@Bunnylady Yes! I know what you mean, my "black" doe I have gives me gold tipped steel kits 95% of the time! One of the "black and white" does I kept from her last year shows no steel like her mom but has given me tons of steel kits! My blue doe has a steel in her great grand generation, and she...
Well, that doe I was trying to breed left here as part of a trio. I told the person she hasn't been receptive to breeding yet. Hopefully they will have luck with her soon. I am thinking of keeping a female from my blue doe and red buck to see if I can get any reds. I hear it is hard to get reds...
Hmm interesting. We had a horse in our barn a few years back who was doing something similar. Turned out he had allergies or something similar. We got a big improvement when we starting spraying down his hay before giving it to him. :hu
Surprisingly well. He ended up bringing just one daughter, and she didn't watch the killing but she did watch everything else. It "wasn't as bad as" she had imagined lol.
So I have a question! I breed year round and I am trying to bring a maiden doe but she isn't lifting for the buck. At first...
Got a guy coming out in about an hour to learn how to dispatch and clean a rabbit. That seems completely reasonable, the kicker, he wants to have his two you daughters watch o_O. I'm like are you sure?! He wants them to see the process, to see if they will eat the rabbits before he starts a...