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  1. mocnarf

    Walking my two Alpacas.

    I retired a couple of years ago and decided I need something more to do. So, I decided to start a backyard farm. I have two katadin sheep and two Alpacas. I like to walk and walk 3 to 4 miles a day. I take my critters on my walks. There are many good walking trails near were I live. I...
  2. mocnarf

    I am in shock over the price of Alpacas, what am I getting for 40,000?

    Wow, I got my two alpacas for free. But I keep them more for pets rather than income producers. They earn their keep by going for walks with me. I walk them 3 to 4 miles every couple of days.
  3. mocnarf

    How smart are Alpacas?

    Poop maintenance and Urine stench may become a issue.
  4. mocnarf

    How much space is required per alpaca?

    I would go with a 12 by 12 3 sided shed. This would also give you room to store a few bails of orchard grass.
  5. mocnarf

    Alpaca meat ?

    Never gave that option a thought, but ya it makes sense. For me, I will think of my alpacas as emergency food storage.
  6. mocnarf

    Evergreen leaves are they harmful?

    In my pasture, there are several trees, Cedar Trees, and Douglas Fir trees. My alpacas constantly nibble on the branches or more specifically the needles. I try to discourage it but they also manage to get into them. I have looked online to see if evergreens are harmful to Alpacas and can not...
  7. mocnarf

    Please Help: Feeding Elderly Alpaca

    In my pasture, there are several trees, Cedar Trees, and Douglas Fir trees. My alpacas constantly nibble on the branches or more specifically the needles. I try to discourage it but they also manage to get into them. I have looked online to see if evergreens are harmful to Alpacas and can not...
  8. mocnarf

    Hello, I am interested in alpacas

    My sheep are a breed called "Katahdin" . They are a hair sheep, they don't need to be sheared. They shed their winter coat in the spring. This breed is normally raised for their meat. I raise them as pets.
  9. mocnarf

    Hello, I am interested in alpacas

    Yes, I keep them together. The reason I ask is the person I got the Alpacas from was very concerned about them picking up a disease from the sheep. Especially something called E(max). Do you do anything special, vaccinations or treatments? I have vaccinated my sheep with Merck's COVEXIN-8.
  10. mocnarf

    Hello, I am interested in alpacas

    I have been walking them almost every day for about a month. At first, we walk just a couple of blocks. Yes, at first they were a bit reluctant and some rewards were needed to encourage them. Now, they walk alongside me without the need for much encouragement in the way of treats. The smaller...
  11. mocnarf

    Training Alpacas to go on walks

    I have 2 Alpacas that I am keeping as pets in my backyard farm. I want to train my alpacas to go on walks with me. So far it's working out ok. We walk a couple times a week and they are now used to the noises and activity we see on our walks. I have them haltered and hold their lead. They walk...
  12. mocnarf

    Hello, I am interested in alpacas

    I am interested in Alpacas. I currently have 2 older neutered male alpacas. I am raising them primarily as pets. My backyard farm consists of 2 sheep, 2 alpacas, and 3 chickens. I want to train the alpacas to go on walks with me (on a lead) much as you would take a dog for a walk. So, far it's...