It seems like you should check your saddle fit. Also, a smart good horse will not do what a rider asks if there is fear and and unbalanced rider up there asking them. I have an older horse that will do anything for me but for a new rider, she will not go beyond their capabilities.
Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga with goats from Mountain Flower Goat Dairy at Vali Soul Sanctuary on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14, 2017 (from the Daily Camera.... only in Boulder!)
I saw this and...
Morning! Thanks for the Happy Day wishes! Off to do the chores, but because it is my Day, I don't have to help move DS@'s stuff. I get to show up at dinnertime!!!!!! Poor DH, too bad it is not Father's Day.....
Send him to me..., all of my kids were doing their own laundry at 10 and left the house knowing how to cook and clean and ride a horse and drive a stick.
Basic survival tools, eh?
I suppose I should add drive and back a trailer into small spaces, too!
Morning! Y'all are definitely going to break the site before the other one is up and running.... 15 pages in two days....:hu
I brought blueberry muffins.
I am at about 9000 ft up in the air and fruit trees have a really hard time. I stick with the berries.
It is time to go get some more...
Morning! Good luck on the stress wellness visits boys... Still raining here and now DS$ has been asked to fill in on a dual team at the last minute so we are gathering our wits about us and that may just take a pot or two of coffee.
Howdy, not quite morning... I came in from chores with the rain on my heels and need some hot coffee to get warm. Sorry about your little shadow, Bunny. Hugs....
This tent is huge, by the way, and I think we are gonna need more goodies so I am off to bake cookies too.