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  1. Joani

    I need help Identifying my chickens breed

    Thank you That would be AWESOME if he is a cross between Wellsummer & Australorp or RIR- all good birds! I will have to see how his babies do - I am hoping some of them are hens ...
  2. Joani

    I need help Identifying my chickens breed

    Thank you - that's what I was afraid of .. he was given to me as a chick to raise for a young neighbor who needed help & couldn't keep/raise the chick. I was told they had Austrolorps and Black Sexlinks that they purchased from IFA that had then bred and hatched out. I have 42 chickens and...
  3. Joani

    I need help Identifying my chickens breed

    Can any of you help me identify what breed Rudy Rooster is?? I would appreciate any help - since Rudy is very prolific - most of my hatchlings are now BLACK like him - instead of Wellsummers like I'd hoped. Rudy is still very young - 1st year breeding.