I have thought about the possiblility that it has a neurological issue, the way it pecks the other chick and the walls is odd. I have B12 and on the suggestion of an experienced chicken friend am going to force feel it liquid yolk through a dropper. Hopefully the little one is still with us...
I have been trying to hand feed with no results. I am going to pick up some liquid B12 today and start adding sugar to the water I am giving it. It is weaker today, maybe the sugar will perk it up.
It wouldn't eat the scrambled eggs. I don't think it's blind, just b/c of the way it pecks at the other chick makes me think it can see it's eyes to peck at them. But I really have no idea what a blind chick looks like. Anymore suggestions on getting it to eat, it's not gonna last long if it...
No, I haven't given it any scrambled egg, but I will first thing in the morning! Don't know why I didn't think of that. I almost crushed up some hard boiled egg for it this morning, but tried the chick feed instead. Thanks
The fermented chick starter is wet, the consistancy of wet dog food. I have pushed it's beak into the food multiple times. It does have another chick with it. When the other chick eats it pecks at the other chick, not the food. It pecks at it's eyes and pulls on it's wings while it's trying...
I have a 3 day old Ameraucana chick that needed assistance hatching on day 21 (just not strong enough to get out of the egg, the egg fell away when I helped it, yolk completely absorbed). It was completely down on it's hocks for the first day with crumpled toes. I now have it in a box on...