thanks For the response. I’m sure I’ll have a ton more questions before I even put a goat on my place but for now what you’ve given me is enough to get started preparing.
i have 20 acres that we used to keep horses on but sold them about 10 years ago. I’ve been thinking about starting a small herd of goats and I’m currently in the research phase since I’ve never had more than a couple of ‘farm hands’.
So to start my first question(s) is perimeter fence - I have...
I once had a hen go into molt and did the same thing. We had to force her to take yogurt water and mash for about a week until she started eating again. I don't know if this is your solution but you may try feeding her for a few days and see if she picks up.
Sorry to hear. Sometimes we do what we can but nature has other plans. I know it's late now but I wish I had thought to ask if you had noticed if she were going to the bathroom. The good side of raising a flock is when the miracles do happen and the chick you thought never had a chance proves...
I would soak it and treat it like bumble foot. But I wouldn't cut on it at this point until you get a better idea what's going on with it. It may require surgery if there is a core or thorn or splinter of some sort but starting off I would just soak it and put him somewhere clean. Try to wrap it...
I would give nutri drench and ACV in both waterers for a few days. Keep an eye on her and make sure she is getting all the water and food she needs. If you see the others picking on her you may have to pull her but it's always better if you can keep them together.
How big is your brooder. Sometimes it helps to add 2 feed and water sources. Then there is just sometimes chicks stunt. I have a lavender Orpington in my mix flock that never did get the size of her sisters but she is an awesome chicken and I wouldn't trade her for anything.
If I had to put money on it I would say pullets. The light brahma could easily be pullet as well I had to look long and hard before I decide possible roo. The Blue (obviously) and the EE I'm 95% sure are roo's (the blue 110% sure. lol)
No problem. I had some silver campines for awhile. They can be a little flighty but otherwise a really fun breed. I could be wrong but I think they are also the only chicken that the hen and the rooster feather out exactly the same. That being said I would wait until I was positive if it were...
or I could read the question....
1 the blue cochin is roo.
the ee in pic 3 looks like a roo
the light brahma looks like a roo to me as well
The rest either look like pullets or i just can't tell.
1st picture looks like a blue cochin (possibly bantam) rooster and jubilee (not sure breed) bantam possibly as well.
2nd picture my guess is buff brahma bantam.
3rd picture is easter egger.
4 is silver laced wyandotte (maybe bantam could be standard)
5 is gold laced wyandotte (maybe bantam could...
Very nice, likely mixes the Dark ones look possibly like a mix between a RIR and Australorp. I had a mix hen for awhile out of a RIR roo and an Australorp hen that feathered out almost identical.
Your cousin is wrong hens can have spur buds as well. BTW it's a Silver Campine Rooster. interesting breed. They come in silver and gold. If you mix silver with gold you get a sex-link.
x3 True Araucanas are hard to find and expensive when you do. I would love to have some but I would have to see them first hand to buy them. Shipped eggs, you will likely get Americauanas or EE's and the same holds true if you order chicks.
Hello Everyone! Glad to see all the familiars from BYC found a home away from home for a few days.
Last year I threw together a plywood incubator/hatcher (cabinet style) and to my surprise this thing works great. Since I've built a couple of these for other people and they also work like a...