I have a kiko goat,a wether that is almost a year old.He can't walk and can't stand either. I think he might have white muscle disease. Has anyone else had a goat with white muscle disease, and if so how did it turn out?
I have a peahen named Peaky.Peaky just wandered up to my porch one day,and now she stays at my farm.She does not like the chickens very much,but she loves to wander around with the guineas in the field all day.She is an India blue peahen and is very pretty.
A story about my goat,Sicky. He was born early this year,in the icy rain,I think.His mom goat did not take him,so he is a bottle goat.For his first few days,I kept him in the bathroom.Then,when he got older,I put him outside.Then,he got sick again,so I put him in the bathroom again,and the next...