Ok now I have a problem with the jerseys eye. I think when it was out in the weedy pasture it may have cut its eye on some weeds. It looks terrible, was using pinkeye spay for a few days and got a really good look at it last night. Kinda looks like a cataract . I'll upload a picture. Thanks a ton!
Update on Jersy calf. Doing much better now and starting to look better health wise.
The lump on the Holstein calf is huge but it doesn't seem to bother her yet.
Hello everybody, I'm new to raising Calfs and need some help. I have a four week old Holstein and a five day old Jersey bull
And the Holstein has a knot on its jaw line the size of a big marble and it does move some , it's like a cyst .
And the jersey has the scours. But I just read somewhere...