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  1. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Rain rain and more rain. I feel like I can’t really get much done as it’s stayed cold and rainy which hinders a lot of my activities. But Gus Gus is doing great and you can hardly tell he was ever down. Now we just need to get everyone sheared but things need to dry first. At least it’s...
  2. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Gus Gus update. Tuesday he still couldn’t get up by himself. After 10 minutes of physical therapy with a belt he was able to walk by himself slowly. Wednesday was the same, he was unable to get himself up and needed a few minutes of belt therapy to get his feet under him. Yesterday it was...
  3. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Against all odds Gus Gus is still alive. Today when I went to adjust him on his bales he got his legs under him and stood for a second before falling over. I decided to try a little physical therapy with him and wrapped my belt around his chest and stood him up again and held the belt to take...
  4. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Wethers are required to be disbudded, but they keep the horns on the doelings. No one has been able to give me a solid answer as to why that is, but those are the rules. They are required to be tipped before the show date.
  5. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Our ram, Gus Gus, went down Tuesday. He was laying there on his side, unable to stand or lift his head and clearly bloated. Got some bloat treatment in him and massaged his stomach and ribs coaxing burps out of him. He’s still alive but unable to stand. I’ve given him vitamin B injections...
  6. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Ruby is now a week old and doing well. I had my daughter help me band her tail. Now we’re starting to work on our pen for the goat. They got weaned Saturday and we’ll pick it up this week. Stopped at the feed store for dog food and somehow wound up with 6 chicks? Not sure how that happened.
  7. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Let me tell you the tale of Darla the Ninja Goat. February of last year I’m buying two show ewes from a lady who is going through a divorce and has to downsize. As money is changing hands she asks if I would possibly be interested in taking her last little Nigerian doe who might be pregnant...
  8. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    My ram went in with my ewes during the first full week in November, so I was expecting lambs to start hitting the ground next week. Tuesday as I was running to grab some hay before work I noticed my oldest ewe, Heart, standing by the fence with a little white creature. Nearby was another...
  9. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I would be curious to see what a cross between a mangalitsa and a duroc would produce. Mangalitsa clearly have better marbling, but the slower growth and small litter sizes doesn’t make it the most attractive option to me. You’d need to charge a premium to justify the cost of raising them, but...
  10. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    More cold and rain. My corrals were so close to being dry, just a little puddle was left. And now we’re back to a lake. My buddy sent me this picture yesterday. When we were raising our pigs last summer he decided he wanted to try a mangalitsa pig to see how it would turn out, as he’d heard...
  11. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I think it depends on the judge. We spoke to a lawyer a few years back because we had heard that before and she said while the child’s opinion would be considered it was a small part in the overall decision. Utah has the best weather. It was nice and warm and everything was drying out and...
  12. High Desert Cowboy

    SageHill Ranch Journal

    Having worked with “Heading” and “Heeling” dogs, it would be interesting to work with these kind of dogs. I’ve heard that’s what German shepherds and malinois were bred for, a “living fence” that maintained stock in one area. How do you train them to maintain a specific area?
  13. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Things are starting to warm up and dry out around here. These last two winters have been incredibly wet and our sump pumps have been working like crazy to keep water out. My corrals look like a swamp. This year it didn’t get as cold though, last February we had temps down to -33 and it snowed...
  14. High Desert Cowboy

    Chunks in pig urine

    I’ve seen that a lot in older sows but never in a young boar like that. How is he other than that? Does he eat? Drink? What’s his temperature? If you don’t have a thermometer, just get a digital thermometer from Walmart that you would put under your tongue. They work great for rectal...
  15. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’m alive!!!! It’s been a long time since I posted, all I can say is life got crazy, then crazier, and I just got to realizing I hadn’t been on here for almost 3 years. There’s been a lot of changes at our place. Horses: I still have old Brolo, my kids love him and I don’t know if I could ever...
  16. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Working 6 days a week plus training horses four days a week has kept me busier than I ever intended to be! Some updates for our area. Dolly the lamb is doing great, after 4 weeks of the PVC cast her leg set nicely. She doesn’t even have a limp. Bad part is she’s as bad as her mother now in...
  17. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Funny how times flies. It’s been two weeks so today I checked Dolly’s leg to make sure everything was healing as it should and to adjust the PVC cast to allow for a little growth. Everything looks pretty good so I wrapped it it back up for another two weeks. She walks on it a fair amount...
  18. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Don’t worry I didn’t take it as critical. Part of the benefit of being on BYH we have this awesome community of people who care about animals and want the best for them. Got some cleaning done today, cleaned out the garage so I can actually get to my stuff and moved some of my animal equipment...
  19. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    @farmerjan you are right she does need more than rolled oats but I was being a lazy typist. I keep rolled oats on hand for my horses when we’re doing some actual work (lots of riding in the mountains) and I was feeding it to Heart where she was nursing triplets. When Dolly broke her leg I...
  20. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I do need the sprinklers to keep my lawn green. We’ve been fortunate to have some rain lately but come June and July it’ll be pretty dry for a while. Even with more rain and snow up this way sprinklers are a necessity if you want a lawn. I just don’t have to water as much. Originally when I...