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  1. R

    Spent Brewery Grains

    I will have to check into that. I am only thing about it as a supplement. Just to try an offset their regular feed. You are right, I don't want to over feed it so they don't eat their feed. But just something to help out a bit.
  2. R

    Spent Brewery Grains

    Hello All, I will be picking up another set of feeder pigs this weekend. I may have made a contact at a local brewery for their spent grains/mash to be able to feed to my pigs to supplement their feed. I have read that people have done this, but I am wondering if the pigs should be a little...
  3. R

    The Best Pig Breeds for the Homestead

    I had very good success with my two Berks last year. End of July, I pick up two more but I think these will be a cross between Berk and Duroc. If so, I will be interested to see if there is a difference in the meat. The Berk meat is very good. I too like to support the small farms. My two...
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    Pig fence recommendations

    I went with combo fence panels for fencing. They are more expensive but I was also worried about them getting out. I live in a rural area, but have neighbors right next door. They were all interested in me getting pigs but I that would change if they got loose and were eating up their gardens...
  5. R

    Well, let the games begin...

    Got my pig back last evening and start the cutting. Have a lot more to do over the next day or say as far as butchering and making sausage. Hanging weight for one was 237 and the other was 251 so they were in about 13/14 pounds of each other. Live weight would have been just over 300 pounds...
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    Well, let the games begin...

    I have a goose neck stock trailer that I use for my horses. When I built my pen, I mounded up dirt at the gate opening as a ramp that is the same height as the floor of my trailer. I was able to back the trailer right up to the mound of dirt so they could walk in without a step up. To get...
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    Well, let the games begin...

    Well, I did jinx myself, and I won't have any issues eating one of these two pigs. We fought these guys for 3 hours trying to get them on the trailer. Tried eggs (which they love) smashed pumpkins, (which they love) and every form of dairy we had in the fridge (which they love) to entice them...
  8. R

    Well, let the games begin...

    Well, Today is the day. I take these two off to the processor today. It has been an interesting and entertaining first run at raising two feeders. A few mistakes/accidents here and there and definitely some improvements will be made based on the first set. But, overall it went well, and I...
  9. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    I have been giving my pigs the walnuts for the past couple of weeks. As I mentioned, we didn't get any acorns this year from out oak trees. But, I was on a short road trip last week and stop at a rest stop for lunch. They had oak trees all over the place and plenty of acorns on the ground...
  10. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    The oaks in our yard and neighbor's yard don't seem to be producing many if any acorns this year. Not sure why. We had a cold snap in the spring that I wonder if it damage the acorn production. I have been throwing the pigs walnuts in the evening for the past three days. They have been...
  11. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    That is interesting. I have not heard of adding the powders. I don't go through nearly that much food for the two that I have for the brief amount of time, but I could certainly adjust the ratios. I have been throwing them walnuts for two days and they seem to like them. They are eating the...
  12. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    I think that sounds good. I was hoping to have the pigs a little be later in the season which would be my plan next time. Finding feeders in the spring and then finding an appointment for processing was tough this year. At some point I hope that changes a little bit, but it might be a while...
  13. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    Hi Farmerjan, Thanks for the information. Looks like I am picking walnuts tonight. :) I will also take a bucket and start walking my neighbors fields. My pigs go to slaughter in two weeks exactly. Maybe if I fill them with corn and nuts for the next two weeks it might make for a better taste...
  14. R

    Can pigs eat walnuts?

    I have about two weeks to go with my pigs and my neighbor has two walnut trees and a hickory tree that is just starting to drop nuts. There are tons of green ones still hanging from the tree. Has anyone feed walnuts and hickory nuts to their pigs? Are they safe for them to eat. There are...
  15. R

    Baymule’s 2021 Feeder Pigs!

    I will be anxious to see what my guys weight out at. They have just under two more months to go. They are really starting to go through feed pretty quick.
  16. R

    Well, let the games begin...

    Ham and Bacon like when I make tomato sauce as much as I do. They have been getting a lot of tomatoes in the last week or so. They ate cucumbers and squash like crazy for a couple weeks and now moving to tomatoes. I am just a little over half way there with these two. I moved their feed bin...
  17. R

    Well, let the games begin...

    We have had the pigs for about a month, so I thought I would send a quick update. Couple observations. 1. Someone forgot to tell me they like belly rubs. :) So far they are very friendly, come when called or you approach the fence and lay right down for a scratch. I started to not do it...
  18. R

    Tell me about your farm workhorses...ATVs, 4 wheelers, tractors, side by sides, etc.

    Ha. Far from it. :) The 41 didn't run when I got it and the 52 was a hand-me-down from dad who bought it in the 80s. It was old then, but to think we have had it for close to 40 years is crazy and a testament to the old tractors and how they were built to last. I rebuilt the motor in my...
  19. R

    Tell me about your farm workhorses...ATVs, 4 wheelers, tractors, side by sides, etc.

    I only have old school tractors on our small farm. 1948 Farmall Cub for plowing the garden. 1941 Ford 9N for mowing, 1952 Ford 8N discing and mowing. Don't get me wrong, I would to have a newer diesel 4WD front loader tractor. Just haven't found one in my budget yet. And I can work on and...
  20. R

    Well, let the games begin...

    Its funny. The one in the picture doesn't like dogs but has no problem with the pigs. The one not in the picture used to let my dog walk around him and under him and never bother him and he is the one that doesn't like the pigs. He keeps pacing the fence line and acting territorial with the...