PS...I am in Wyoming. It’s cold here. Low 20’s, high teens overnight. Mid-high 40’s, low 50’s maybe during the peak of the day.
Babies have enclosed pen, heat lamps, and bedding of straw/shavings to keep warm! And sweaters!
Haha...that’s unseasonably WATM for this time of year, too!
Thanks for the help! I will update my profile...I just was reaching out in the night as a worried person. :)
This is not my first set of kids, but it is this does first babies. He was eating (scarfing) from his mom (all are and have routinely through the night).
When I went out at 3:00, he...
i just had my Doe (FF) kid 3 babies. Two small does and one very large buck. All ate and were off and going by 8pm. I use (always have) Nutridrench if I see some wobbly/weak legs and such. Due to positioning in this birth (one breach, one sideways, and the big boy had to be tugged on a bit)...