I picked Possum, only because I don't have a recipe for them (yet), Coon's are another problem, but I have a recipe for them and I'm out here in the rural area so they're not necessarily a trash digger ( I would still have it anyway, it's a food).
I'm on a fixed income, so I'm Looking/asking to find a Good Low-priced (free?) female Milking Goat, here around Eustace, TX. To breed with the Nubian Dwarf Billy, I currently have.
Hello Ridgetop, TYVM for the info, I'll be using this for when I finally do get more Goats around here at home. I only have a single Nubian Dwarf Billy, my Nubian Female died trying to give birth; He had been keeping her from eating and I hadn't noticed. Now when I do get a female here, he'll...
It's great to read that the goat is doin well, and when I stopped laughing from the husband remark! I went and told my wife= she got a good laugh too, about the husband remark. She was happy to hear the goat is doing fine, hope y'all have a safe and Happy NeW yEAR !!
:lol::lol:Well Y'all are making me think about using my power-washer on Lil-Billy more and more,{IF I did, it would be on low, of course...} I just have to get off the floor from laughing:lol::lol::lol:. He isn't able to reach the Female Alpine "YET"? He's a Dwarf Nigerian, only around 7-9...
A quick fix, get some insulated wire, exposed only at hook-ups, do not allow wires to be smashed or exposed by door. Oh and all metal touching fencing and wires are going to have electricity in them... (Keep wire's/steel off concrete)
I am sorry for not mentioning him, yes I do have a rooster and he is fertilizing the eggs. I just found out this morning, it is ok behavior due to the heat we get in this part of East TX. I'm about 18 miles south of Canton, TX.
I have a Hen that only seems to sit on her eggs overnight? There are only 2 egg's now this is Thursday 9/20 is the 4th day of sitting. The other Hen was sitting, till she got frighten off her Egg by a Raccoon (the coon took my 3rd Hen; Yes, I'm Coon hunting!!!) Cannot afford a trap yet.
Hello Tah,
"Maybe" that Goat has sensed the fear in you? and is using your fear against ya? I have a 2 horned goats, here in E. Texas. They will not try to horn me..
I'll be heading to the Animal Auctions soon as I can, to see if I can get a Lamb Sheep cheap, I have ordered lamb meat online before, and it was a costly meat, But I did enjoy it. I do have 2 goats, had 3, but one died(accident) during last freeze in this part of East TX. (So it's in freezer...
So True, I'm not that old (55 as 7/24/18), but it does seem like the younger(New Generation?) is LAZY ? They don't wanna sweat or risk getting Dirty it seems. I myself enjoyed working hard, because that made me felt like "I EARNED MY PAY" with My Brain and the sweat of my brow, not just my fingers.
As my wife says "Build a Bridge", so maybe that would be some good advice to your neighbor. I live in the country now and my Goats have calmed down on the crying at night, and they're only about 30' from my (closed)window... Oh by the way, I just got a Nigerian Dwarf, and he WAS crying a lot...
Well when I first saw the purple stem, Poke-Weed came to mind, but then I saw them flowers. That lost me there, cause I usually don't let my poke-weed get that tall = it becomes Poke-salad :D:drool:drool