I know I'm late to this thread - but my rabbit is an excellent escape artist and after one time where he scared us all by vanishing overnight I won't let him hop around unsupervised. If yours are very tame though it might not be the case. He's skittish by nature.
*Asking for a friend
My friend had a Dwarf Winter White hamster awhile back. They went camping for a short while (and he was provided for, of course) but when they returned he was dead. It seemed that a lot of fur had been ripped out, although he lived in his own cage. He was under a year old...
Hey everyone! This is Herbert. We believe him to be a Holland Lop, but I'm not sure. I've had him for years. I'm curious as to what his color is.
He's in my avatar too in case you need a new angle, or I can get another.
Animals can change. Try sitting by the cage quietly for a bit each day so he gets used to your presence. Then try placing your hand near the cage. It will take patience.
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has experience with this. I have a rabbit who's a bit of a "weird" size. He's larger than many rabbits I've seen but he's not giant (as in drooping-over-my-arms giant). Usually I hold him with his paws/feet facing the ground with one hand on his hind legs and one...
Hello everyone! I've been on BYC (Backyardchickens.com) for a bit under a year now and have started an account here because I've heard there is a rabbit forum. I'd like to continue learning about rabbits here! I'm sure some of you will find my username familiar if you're on the other site too.