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  1. walkonfarms

    Gracie, oh my...

    Young LGD learn to either climb out over fencing or dig under when they feel they need to tend to something on the other side of the fence. Be prepared to run a hot wire along the top of the fence to discourage climbing.
  2. walkonfarms

    Gracie, oh my...

    The goats can be either polled (have no horns naturally) or they were disbuded (horn buds are burned at a week or two old so that the horns to not grow) as kids. You do not have to buy goats with horns.
  3. walkonfarms

    Gracie, oh my...

    She is just a puppy and will be until two years old. She should not be left alone with the chicken unsupervised. Being a puppy she will end up chasing the chickens for something to do but she will try that with any livestock. She needs to be kept next to the chickens unless you are watching her...
  4. walkonfarms

    How to tape up one side of udder ?

    Are you giving her a little grain while milking to keep her busy?
  5. walkonfarms

    Buying Katahdins, small ewes

    The lambs from these ewes should be a normal size when grown. They will have a better chance of reaching the correct size and growth rate if these ewe are in a small flock instead of the stress of a large one.
  6. walkonfarms

    Buying Katahdins, small ewes

    Another thing that will stunt the growth is a high parasite load as lambs. If this is the case these ewes do not have enough parasite resistance. If you buy these ewes do a fecal. If there are no parasite eggs in the test then do it again in a week. Even with a high parasite load the fecal can...
  7. walkonfarms

    Any Idea What Breed?

    May be 3/4 alpine and 1/4 nubian. Love the alpine nubian crosses. She does not have airplane ears that a 1/2 alpine 1/2 nubian has. But if you breed that cross back to an alpline the ears would be shorter.
  8. walkonfarms

    Any Idea What Breed?

    She looks like an alpine cross.
  9. walkonfarms

    Preventing fleas?

    Yes the rabbits can get the fleas from the cat. Need to use something like frontline plus. The plus is the control for hatching flea eggs. Without the plus you can get over run with fleas. I would use the advantage on the rabbit during the summer and early fall. If you use the plus on the cat...
  10. walkonfarms

    Doe is riding the wether

    it is hormonal. The does normal do it at the end of their heat cycle.
  11. walkonfarms

    new member

    Hello very one. I have a small horse rescue and raise dairy goats and sheep. Have some chickens both standard and bantams and a couple of ducks. Have been raising goats for over 40 years. Most of my goats are dairy along with a couple of angora. I have both wool and hair sheep. Also have a...