Yeah, I've got a handful of cattle panels I'll use for the time being, and will use some of my poultry net if need be. I have looked a few places such as TSC and Kencove but they all seem to have the taller stuff with more horizontal wires. That hognet looks so much lighter i'd love to give it a...
So Premiere 1 seems to be backordered on all their fencing and has been for a few weeks now. Anyone know of another place that sells something similar to their hog netting?
I think we've finally settled on building a Long Langstroth for our bees as a compromise between the benefits of Langs and TBH - and by settled I mean bought the lumber to build a plan I found, and am excited to get it out there and get my nuc ordered.
I'm left with a few questions, though, and...
Me again! So I know the only real way to know if heat and breeding are happening is catching them in the act, but I'm trying to see if I'm reading things right, which leads me to yet another question.
Do bucks get more aggressive with does when they're in heat?
Last week we noticed he was...
Oh, he smells downright awful :). I'm sure if they're in heat, he's capitalizing - when we went to pick him up, the owner had a doe in heat and he was doing absolutely everything he could to get her attention. My only real concern here is that I'm not personally catching them in heat, so it's...
It's in my calendar!
He's been acting extra dominant the last few days. When I went out last night, one of my girls had her tail sticking straight up (they usually keep them down) and her vulva looked shinier and pinker than usual. Today they seemed to be mostly back to normal. I'm hoping if...
I managed to borrow a buck. He's been penned up with my doelings for a week, and we can hold onto him for at least 4 weeks. So far haven't witnessed any mounting.
I was just about to give an update...
So yesterday I noticed that when I put the buck rag under her nose, her tail went up, and when I took it away, it went down. Since she'd never done that before, I decided to give it a go and took her to the buck that night.
Soon as she saw him she started...
It's certainly possible. I was hoping the buck rag would make it improbable, though :)
They're eating mineral well, and doing great in general. Does BoSe specifically help with coming into heat?
Hopefully I'll remember starting this thread, unlike my last one :).
I haven't been seeing signs of heat in my girls, so I got a buck Rag 3 weeks ago. I've exposed them to it every day with no reaction. They're almost 10 months, made breeding weight, and cleared by the vet. I'm not sure what to...
I completely forgot about this thread, sorry.
I'm in the greater New Haven area.
I am more than willing to use antibiotics and such in my goats, and am not necessarily seeking "organic" status, or even certification. What I've found with my eggs and chicken meat, though, is that customers seem...
Thanks. I had deduced that already. Just wasn't sure if there was an organic alternative. According to USDA standards, I can't call any dairy product organic until the doe has been organic for 12 months, so it looks like one way or another I won't have 'organic' milk until 2020 unless I can find...
Hey y'all,
We just got our first two goat doelings about 2 weeks ago, and they're a little under where I want them to be weight-wise (the larger is at 58 lbs by the hg*hg*l/300 calculation. I plan to scale her sons). I'd like to try and get at least one of them to breeding weight this season...