We just trimmed yesterday...it is amazing how fast those things grow. This is when we usually give them a really good look-over, give them a good brush down and put DE down their backs. We also check their eyelids for pinkness at the same time...if you’ve already got them in your arms already...
If you are doing intensive rotational grazing, run the goats through first, followed by the chickens, then pigs, and then chickens again. The chickens will eat the parasites and break up the poop. The pigs will loosen the ground and work in semi digested seeds back into the ground. This is...
I use Molly’s Herbals. It comes in a two pack set. The first formula is given for three days the first week. For the next 4-6 weeks, use the second formula once a week. Repeat. My goats can’t stand the stuff but I mix it with a tablespoon of black strap molasses and then mix that with a cup...
We got two dwarf Nigerian doelings in January...my husband has fallen in love with them...lol. We’ve had a bit more winter than usual this year so they’ve been in our cinderblock shed (12x16’) with about 8 bales of straw. It worked like a charm. My husband took out the old doors (big heavy...
I just got two three month old NDs...doelings. There doesn’t seem to be a really straight answer on how much to feed. Right now they are getting a few good handfuls of goat feed (Purina red and white bag), a small scoop of dried beets, alfalfa hay, minerals, baking soda (free choice), and some...
Right now they are in the barn because of this horrid arctic weather we’ve been “enjoying.” I went out this morning take warm water out and the goats were no where to be found...in a locked barn, so I just about had a heart attack. Then my husband found them: I guess they got cold last night...
I have had chickens for about three years...started with just a couple and now have around 75 layers. What can Isay?
So...last weekend I got two three month old Dwarf Nigerians, cute little girls. They have not been handled at all and are very skittish. I want big grab handles on these...