Search results

  1. AmberLops

    Three dead rabbits from auction...

    What about coccidiosis? I’ve had rabbits that’s were fine one day and barely breathing the next because of cocci... maybe start them on corid right away ? That’s what I would do! With worms they always show symptoms, just like other animals. But cocci can show no symptoms. I’ve had entire...
  2. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Ha ha yeah you gotta be so careful!! Tell your hubby that yes you DO know someone who’s had salmonella! I was off work for 4 days stuck in bed and I haven’t been that sick in years... it was horrible. Makes the worst stomach flu seem like nothing! So far people have been pretty good about...
  3. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    It’s been insane there! Usually we never have more than 6 people in the store at a time... now we’re having to do a count and not let more than 50 in at a time and we’re close to that all day. We’re closing at 6 now rather than 9 but we have people in there every night almost till 7. How are...
  4. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    It cut me off halfway through my last post so I’ll do another one! I got a new house!! One that’s just a few minutes from work and I’m so happy with it! I got a new puppy last month, his name is Waylon and he’s a good boy, just doesn’t want to listen to a word I say but I’m working on re...
  5. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Hi everyone!! I’m sorry for vanishing from BYH and I’ll try to update more often I promise. Things have been insane at TSC with this corona thing going on and us being an ‘essential’ store. It’s crazy how many people have been coming in from others parts of TN and even out of state. It hasn’t...
  6. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    That's so sweet, thank you :hugs
  7. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Hi and thank you :hugs I appreciate everyone's concern and i promise to do my best with updating and checking in more often!
  8. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Thank you :hugs And yeah it's no fun driving that much. I wish Nashville was closer...but there's no way i'd move closer to the city! I'm hoping that the valve issue can be fixed but the problems i've been having for the past couple weeks are because of the surgery. I guess it's kind of common...
  9. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    The car accident scared me and i've been really careful ever since...keeping an eye out and driving the slowest i can without getting pulled over ha ha! My dog and the rabbits handled everything just fine. I think i'm missing them more than they miss me. And yes, i'll try not to fall of the...
  10. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Thank you :hugs
  11. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Winning the lottery would've been great ha ha! And i'll definitely give my number to whoever wants it. I love my BYH family and would love to stay in touch with you guys but i haven't had the time to check in on here or even had a chance to check my emails in a while so my cell would probably be...
  12. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Hi everyone... I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. And thank you everyone for worrying about me. Things have been great at work, that's not the issue thankfully! The biggest issue has been my health. I have heart issues and in the beginning of November, i had a TAVR procedure done. I was...
  13. AmberLops

    Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

    I know it's a bit late but i'm just now seeing this. That was one crazy storm over here...i was at work when it hit and there were a couple tornadoes in surrounding counties. The lightning actually struck close to the store and it completely fried our alarm system. So now the alarms are going...
  14. AmberLops

    LMP's 2019 Farrowing Thread: New babies from Lucy and Prissy

    I know, and i'm sorry! Things have been rough around here :( I'll try to update more often.
  15. AmberLops

    No bunny compares to you...

    Welcome to BYH! My advice would be...don't follow any one person's opinions, point of view, advice etc... That was my biggest issue when i first started raising rabbits. I found one website, or watched one person's videos and thought 'i'll follow their rules and not try anything else' and that...
  16. AmberLops

    LMP's 2019 Farrowing Thread: New babies from Lucy and Prissy

    Those babies are beautiful! Congratulations :)
  17. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! It's been a while since i posted on here so i think it's time for an update :) My job is going so well! I'm getting pretty good at that register. I've worked a few opening/closing shifts and on truck day, unloading the freight and driving the forklift
  18. AmberLops

    AmberLops Rabbitry Journal

    Sorry i didn't see this until now! I'm working on getting the old one fixed. Not many people out here that fix computers! It has a lot of issues that were caused by the McAfee antivirus that i completely fried the battery and ruined the laptop :( So if you use or are thinking...
  19. AmberLops

    Coffee anyone ?

    Happy Thanksgiving! I know it's late but just wanted to wish everyone a great day :)
  20. AmberLops

    Happy turkey day from the duck lady!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!