Got a baby goat from my friend, bought it home and found it had many adult lice on it.
Either she knows and it’s not an issue for her, she knows and assumed I know I have to de-louse, or she doesn’t know.
She also keeps chickens and ducks and I know she de-worms her animals, but how do I tell...
And I bought home this special little poppet yesterday, she’s adorable and we all love her!
ETA she will not be an only goat I’m still waiting for the ND to kid her some sisters
They’re going to be bottle babies in all likelyhood, the mum abandoned her kids last time and if human hadn’t been there they would have been lost so we are assuming the worst (that she will abandon again and I am set up to take them and bottle feed then 24/7 if need be) if she takes to them...
It’s -5 at night here in bc Canada and they’re due any day, I’d rather have a sweater and not need it than have to make a fix on the fly. Took hubs three years to agree to goats so there’s no way on earth I get to keep them in the house till they grow.
Want to make sure they are ok
I’m trying to knit some sweaters for dwarf Nigerian goat babies need size ideas? Cat sized? Terrier sized?
Btw hello I’m new, haven’t get goats yet but established chicken duck and guinnea owner. I have goat friends who have mentored me.