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  1. Beckella

    Bare areas around eyes??

    Thanks for the replies! They do have access to loose minerals. He also has bare patches on his ears and the inside of his ears feel crusty...although he wouldn't really let me look at them to closely. Other then that he doesn't act any different then he normally does.
  2. Beckella

    Bare areas around eyes??

    Hi all, Looking for a little help. I have 2 dwarf nigerian wethers who are a year old. I just noticed that one of them has bare areas around his eyes. It doesn't look inflammed or irritated...just like the hair is gone. Any suggestions on what that could be and what I can do about it...
  3. Beckella

    Ignoring Hay

    Thanks for the responses! I still put out fresh minerals...they just seem to ignore them. My guess is they're eating the leaves so as long as that's fairly normal I'm happy!
  4. Beckella

    Ignoring Hay

    Hi All, Looking for some goat expertise! :D We have 2 dwarf nigerian wethers...Hershey & Louie...and absolutely love the little guys. They are currently provided with 2nd run hay, minerals, fresh water, and they get a small scoop of Noble Goat Food in the am. They usaully are crazy for the...
  5. Beckella

    Wethers Stay in Barn...

    Thanks for the responses! We just weren't sure if they are being normal little goaties or not! :) I agree with the lazy...they lay in the door of the barn right next to their hay - that way they have the perfect view outside and only have to turn their head to get a bite to eat! Their area...
  6. Beckella

    Wethers Stay in Barn...

    Hi all, We are new to goats...we have 2.5 month old Nigerian Dwarf wethers and are absolutely in love with the little guys! :) Question for you all...they spend the vast majority of their day laying in the doorway of the barn. They'll come running when we go out there but aren't taking...