Ha! Well, there is three of us...me and my two sisters We each have our ”own” goats to care for. And we have headlock, headgate (what ever you want to call them lol) for everyone. Similar to a milk stand except rows and rows of them. Lol. All get locked up twice a day for feeding so everyone...
Sorry.. had it typed out and never clicked post. Duh.
I think he's nice lookin' buck. Very dairy with good length. Level top line. Looks like pretty good leg angulation. From what I can tell he’s got a kinda weak front end assembly. But could be the picture. I guess that’s one of the things I’m...
Do you know how many coccidia eggs per view? What’s his eye lid color like?
As long as he’s eating hay, he should be fine, and start eating feed soon, but need to get that coccidia under control.
Thanks! 😊 Yep, her fore udder isnt the greatest, BUT....much much better than her dam. So I'm pretty happy with her. Her dam's fore was pathetic. Can’t wait to see what she does on her 305 milk test!
Yes, yes, I know..it’s a very blurry pic...but it’s the best we got and it was 6 am in the morning....
Anyway....what do ya'll think? This is D and L Meadows DT Tiramisu. First freshener, pictured at 6 weeks fresh. Comment, critiques are welcome!
If both parents had only one polled gene, then yes, 25% chance they will be horned. If one was pure polled, so both genes polled, than all kids will be polled. A pure polled buck is nice to have, but I don’t like taking the risk with breeding polled to polled.
First off...I LOVE the idea of having a thread like this. 😁 Do you mind if other folks post pictures of their Nigerians on your thread for everyone else to comment/critique?
So, just my opinion, and I’m not a judge, or anything like that and certainly not an expert. Everyone has his/her own...
The problem we had with fodder is we had it in our basement. So in the spring and fall, they only short window we have when we don’t need AC or heat, it worked great. Other than that, mold on the second day.
We do have some comfrey. I’ve not really looked into it much. I mainly use it for the...
I would love to try feeding just chaffahaye and see what happens to the milk production. Since we do DHI we could make a good comparison. but it’s sooo expensive. We use to feed it and the goats loved it! Made the butterfat higher and we also got more multiples. Got our first set of quints that...