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  1. kroberts

    Breeding Question

    Hi all, I have a question about breeding goats. I don't have goats yet; still in the planning stage and trying to figure it all out. :) I am looking at 2 boer does (3mo old). I want to establish a meat herd gradually. I also plan to get one or two nubians for our own milk (don't think I could...
  2. kroberts

    Goats? Sheep? Both?

    Beekissed, you beat me to it. :) I was just coming over to correct myself. I was doing some more reading yesterday on Icelandics and they are, indeed, a wool breed. I'm not sure what I had in my mind, but I was a bit off. Freemotion, we really love cheese and yogurt so I am excited to begin...
  3. kroberts

    Goats? Sheep? Both?

    Oddly enough, I've been *told* I am very good with people. I just have little patience for stupidity (which differs greatly from ignorance, which can be fixed). I am very blunt and say what I think. I get annoyed very easily when my sense of justice is rattled. lol (so now I sound like an evil...
  4. kroberts

    Goats? Sheep? Both?

    Wow, thanks so much for all your input. :) I will expand a bit more on my conditions here. I live in Colorado in the plains. Very windy here. So good buildings will be important to protect whatever animals I choose. I expect I'll need to store hay for the winter months. I'd like them to have as...
  5. kroberts

    Goats? Sheep? Both?

    Hi All, I'm new here and have some questions on goats and sheep. I've been wanting to raise goats for years and I now finally have the space to do it. My concern is, I'm not sure my place is really ideal for goats. I have 40 acres. It is all pasture. No trees or shrubs. Lots of weeds and grass...