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  1. sammileah

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Nice obs. I'm glad to see more close ups
  2. sammileah

    What is your Stock Yard like??

    I've never been to the one by me but I know several ppl that send their goat kids there and they are pet or meat quality some are show but bucks.
  3. sammileah

    what color are they?

    Cute is still the best answer
  4. sammileah

    what color are they?

    My goat guy that disbudded horns for me says broken chamoisee. I'll try to get better pics if they ever stop moving
  5. sammileah

    so excited i've lost my mind

    I would cry too. I get crabby when 1 steps in bucket to my Pygmy cross is very good at that. I think the cat and her had a deal. But my alpine doesn't like the cats so no deal.
  6. sammileah

    so excited i've lost my mind

    i was using a stock pot. i'm in love with the handle on the the bucket makes carring things so easy. I only have 1 goat in milk. i wish i had more for 1 i can go to town and get a 3 or 5 gallon milk bucket. but not a littler 1. now the stock pot can get used for what it is ment for cheese.
  7. sammileah

    so excited i've lost my mind

    my milk bucket came today it was so shiny and i just couldnt wait to use it. so when i did get to use it i realized that after setting aside enough milk for 3 bottle babies i've had a gallon of milk left over in less than a week. yay.
  8. sammileah

    what color are they?

    i'm glad for these ppl that know what they are doing too. cause i'm lost. thanks for the input.
  9. sammileah

    what color are they?

    i don't know what to call them. now there are 2
  10. sammileah

    milk, bucks and distance...a ?

    we took our stinky buck in and as long as you get it all ground its fine. I say that not cause of the smell but he was older and tough. now if you have butchers that don't know what they are doing ei (using same knife for skinning and slicing) you'll get bucky.
  11. sammileah

    My new girl - baby pic-

    chillin in the sun doe has more brownish color buck has black socks.
  12. sammileah

    My new girl - baby pic-

    little girl no name yet its an M yr. little boy no name think we'll do an out side trip tomorrow.
  13. sammileah

    My new girl - baby pic-

    and i wouldn't have heard her. but i went out to do chores and put her back in barn and she had icky stuff coming out. soon after we had twins more pics soon
  14. sammileah

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    lighting 1 month the the pygmy pics mine seems to pose for the camera 'i'm older but still cute take my pic'
  15. sammileah

    My new girl - baby pic-

    well her due date is thursday and of course i'm looking for any clue. today i was out working in the yard and she's talking to me the whole time. she is also pawing the hay piles and keeps getting up and down which with her size and she hurt her front leg isn't easy to do. she isn't a loud...
  16. sammileah

    dwarf/pygmy goats on 1/4 acre??

    my lot is 1/4 acre i have 2 big dogs 4 kids 20+ chickens and at the monent 5 goats. 1 pygmy 2 pygmy crosses 1 alpine and 1 buckling. and a normal yard. goats get free choice hay all they time and they can clear that space of over growth in no time. we have a giant picin table and several...
  17. sammileah

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    my jakobi eating dinner
  18. sammileah

    Neighbors horses loose, what would you do?

    ppl down the road from where i use to live have a bunch of mini horses and 1 old mare. I stopped several times cause she is an excape artist and i'd see her in the feild. I always lucked out and someone was home. on the other side of it. I've had my critters get out and my neighbors have...
  19. sammileah

    let's see your cute kid pics!

    omg figer goat kids are so cute
  20. sammileah

    A silly grass question-can you keep lawn grass cuttings for winter?

    I store mine in garbage bags with as much air squeezed out as possable. couple things tend to happen. 1. if to moist it is compost 2. turns into silage (good protien) 3. molds and it goes to compost 4. drys nice and works great for feed and bedding. keep in mind most lawns are grass that...