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  1. D

    reducing trauma of second disbudding

    Thank you to those who have given me feedback on the second disbudding. I have another question. My daughter (these are really her goats) was reading posts on another forum and they talked about how a second disbudding to remove scurs is very traumatic to the goat because of its age. (we're at...
  2. D

    apple tree prunings every day--is this OK?

    Sounds like something my husband would have done, which is why I keep them pruned high enough he can get under them (and I do mulch around the trunks.) Besides, I think of all the money I save on hay, and suddenly I don't mind doing all that pruning at all...;)
  3. D

    can I disbud a second time? Should I?

    Sorry I didn't do this sooner; I had to borrow my husband's beard clippers to shave his (the goat's) head so you could see what they look like now. ;) As you can see, they're just starting to sprout--the black squarish dot at the top is the beginning and is about 1/8" high; then it runs down...
  4. D

    can I disbud a second time? Should I?

    My little Nigerian buck was disbudded at 2 days old (he was BIG for a ND baby). My other 2 little ones--one buck, one doe--were done at the same time, but they were 8 days old--but smaller than him. He actually was the biggest, and had the biggest buds. After the ring was burned, they stuck...
  5. D

    Can Bar-Vac CD & T be kept 21-28 days after opening?

    Wow--thanks for sharing the pics. I'm glad to hear things worked out OK--she looks great. What did you do to treat? (I'm assuming tetanus antitoxin, but how much, how often, anything else?) It's always better to know what to do before you need to do it...Thanks!
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    Can Bar-Vac CD & T be kept 21-28 days after opening?

    I've been thinking a lot about what you said CMJUST0: "Also, keep in mind that just because you stick something labeled 'VACCINE' in the animal and it doesn't immediately keel over dead from a contaminated batch, that doesn't mean it actually got an effective vaccination. They could very well...
  7. D

    apple tree prunings every day--is this OK?

    Thanks for the reassurances. Actually, it's goat mama, and I guess if you want to be accurate, goat granny. The goats are for my 4-year-old grand-daughter who fell in love with goats at her first county fair shortly after her first birthday. We go every year and spend all day with the goats...
  8. D

    apple tree prunings every day--is this OK?

    I have a 2-yr-old doe who has a 7-week-old wether (just wethered), plus I have an 8 week old buckling (to be wethered soon) and an 8 week old doeling. The last 2 have been bottle-fed since they were young; their mother refused them and the owner gave them to me (I'm home all day). All the...
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    Can Bar-Vac CD & T be kept 21-28 days after opening?

    Thanks everyone. I wondered if it wasn't a CYA situation on the part of the manufacturer, but I was willing to consider that perhaps the vaccine would deteriorate with the introduction of air into the vial... BTW, I tried asking the manufacturer through their website contact portal, but they...
  10. D

    Can Bar-Vac CD & T be kept 21-28 days after opening?

    This is the first time I use Bar-vac CD & T, (I am vaccinating kids whose does were never vaccinated) and the product info says: Use entire contents when first opened. I dont mean to sound dense, but does this mean I cant even keep the remainder the 21-28 days to give the second dose? Thanks