SO we just completed building out our goat run-in/barn and we put down a layer of gravel with the ide of putting straw on top for the goats. Does anyone see any issue wit this?
Now fencing. I have locust posts and plan on using a 48" tall mesh Red Brand 70315 Square Deal Goat & Sheep Wire...
I think we will start with 4, maybe 6. You know there is so much info out there it becomes overwhelming. Some people say put shelter on concrete, others dirt and certainly some have wood. I have at this point watched dozens of YouTube videos. What I do know is I am not a builder and trying...
I am new to the forum and new to goats. In fact we have not actually gotten them yet and I am in the process of figuring out the pen for them. I was thinking of purchasing one of those wood shed kits and I know it would work but trying to figure out what to do with the floor. All those...