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  1. Azurecowgoat

    Goat fencing?

    Do you think something like this would work for nigerian dwarf goats and possibly nubians?
  2. Azurecowgoat

    Welcome! :welcome

    Welcome! :welcome
  3. Azurecowgoat

    How To Make Hay Stretch

    Not really, but there are a lot of farms around me so getting hay closer would be easier.
  4. Azurecowgoat

    New guy

    Welcome! :welcome
  5. Azurecowgoat

    How To Make Hay Stretch

    I'm around Amherst
  6. Azurecowgoat

    How To Make Hay Stretch

    Jeez! I'm probably getting some goats next year, do you think it will stil be so bad?
  7. Azurecowgoat

    How To Make Hay Stretch

    Why the upcoming hay shortage? Is it because of the virus? Or the drought? I'm new here.
  8. Azurecowgoat

    Goat fencing?

    My mom seems to think that goats are masters at excaping, but is that true? I want to get mostly Nigerian dwarfs and maybe two nubians. How tall does the fence have to be to keep in the goats and keep predators out? Anything else I should know about goat fencing?
  9. Azurecowgoat

    sorry for the all caps!! and the colors

    sorry for the all caps!! and the colors
  10. Azurecowgoat

    Thank you so much!!!

    Thank you so much!!!
  11. Azurecowgoat

    I don't have a cow or a goat😥, but those are the two livestockey animals I want most. I think...

    I don't have a cow or a goat😥, but those are the two livestockey animals I want most. I think goat is more realistic at my house then cow though.
  12. Azurecowgoat


  13. Azurecowgoat

    Selling my herd

    did you find them a new home?
  14. Azurecowgoat

    Are goats allergic Japanese Butterbur? Is it bad for them? or Toxic?

    I want to get some goats, but the only space I currently have for them in in a giant patch of Japanese butterbur. Is there a problem with haveing them eat it? Please if you know help, it could make or break my goat experience.
  15. Azurecowgoat

    Thanks! Hopefully it will get more active!

    Thanks! Hopefully it will get more active!
  16. Azurecowgoat


    I am new! I like cows and goats, but sadly don't have any.