Search results

  1. G

    Comparing rabbit raising to chicken raising

    I am also in the group that would rather butcher a rabbit than a chicken. However, chickens provide you with both meat and eggs - rabbits just give you meat. I tend not to butcher too many chickens at once, but will butcher and remove and trouble making extra roos or unproductive hens one or...
  2. G

    WTB meat rabbits in central Mo

    Looking for meat rabbit breeding stock in central Missouri - about 30 minutes from Jeff City in Barnett/Eldon/Versailles area. Mainly interested in NZ, Flemish, Californians and crosses - but will consider any med to large breed rabbit. These are for raising meat - so no pedigree is needed or...
  3. G

    Are Netherland Dwarf Rabbits natually mean???

    The only rabbit that ever bit me was a Netherland Dwarf - however I also had plenty of that breed that were very sweet. I never bred him, and sold him when I sold out of my show rabbits - he was truly aggressive, and none of my others were anything like him. He would charge the cage door...
  4. G

    Watership down....Anyone ever read it? what did you think?

    :D Bigwig was my favorite too - had a mini rex buck named after him many years ago! Great read.