Search results

  1. mothergoose

    ADGA registerable Nubian bucklings - Indiana - one left, price reduced

    We are looking for another purebred nubian buck. Could you tell me about his breeding? We are in Illinois, but have lots of family in Indiana, so a road trip would be ok! Thanks for your time, Christie :D ***I knew I recognized your farm took me a few minutes and then I put it...
  2. mothergoose


    We are in N.E Illinois. We raise a variety of livestock...chickens,ducks,geese, guineas, rabbits, guinea pigs, nubian goats, 1 sheep, 2 cows, 1 horse, 1pony, 1 dog, 5 kids & 1 husband! Christie :D
  3. mothergoose

    Please help me name my goat!!

    Susie Q Cookie Puddin (sounds better without the g!)