So we're finally emerging from a ridiculously hot, dry and long Summer here in N. Texas, which has me thinking about the coming winter and feeding my tiny herd of 4 ND does, now all hitting 8 months of age. When I got them back in May their 1/4 acre paddock was overgrown with a variety of weeds...
I just thought I'd post an update to say that as of 2 days ago, after 4 months, my goats have finally all been registered and/or transferred to my ownership by the ADGA. It required multiple contacts and a silly exercise in me having to recieve and mail back in paperwork transfering them to...
Yeah, I know how to do a Google search. If you click on your own search link you'll see that none of the results are what I've described, which is why I posed the question here.
Yes, I understand that the size and weight of a goat at a given age will vary depending on a number of factors, just as with any other living thing. That's why I said "typical/average", which is useful for new owners when determining if their animals' growth progress is at least in the...
I did a search so I realize this topic has been raised before, but it's been some time and I thought I'd see if anything has changed since then. I'm quite surprised to find that, despite their enormous current popularity and the care with which so many raise small goat breeds (NDs in...
Not yet, though I might go that route if it ends up being my only option. My interest is in raising and breeding for milk production, so registration with a dairy-orientrd registry is preferred. But...we'll see.
They've been in this state steadily for the past 2 years, and have made little progress in correcting the problems they have, especially when it comes to the heap of garbage that is their software/website. There is no excuse for what has been going on. There is no reason something as simple as...
...that, given their apparent inability to demonstrate anything even remotely resembling competency at managing their operation, an ADGA membership is largely a complete and utter waste of time and money. The problems with their software and internal operations have now stretched into multiple...
I ran some plumbing through the stable and installed this automatic waterer in the girls' stall. It looks like a prison toilet...but it works. (My apologies for the poor photo quality, but it was hot out, I was sweaty and I'd had my phone in my pocket.)
OK, it's been a month and a half...I guess it's time for that update.
So far my little herd is healthy and happy, and thoroughly enjoying the playground I set up for them. And even though the 1/4 acre of weeds has proven to be far more than enough for their feeding needs (I've actually had to...