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  1. Deecarter

    Could be emergency?? Please help!

    Sounds like you may get babies very soon. Keep us posted.
  2. Deecarter

    In Memory of Trip

    I’m crying!!! I’m so sorry for all the loss. Sometimes it just isn’t fair. I am in a similar situation and it’s a pain no one can know unless you’re there or been there. I pray for your peace, comfort and a special touch from our Heavenly Father.
  3. Deecarter

    Who has goats!?

    Yep! They all have bonded beyond what I expected. Occasionally I open the gate to the other area where the dogs can run to the creek and get cooled off but I don’t let the goats there because there’s one area they can get out. When I do this, the goats go crazy looking for the dogs and cry...
  4. Deecarter

    Field fence for goats?

    That’s what I have and it works great.
  5. Deecarter

    Who has goats!?

    Mine really aren’t except when they get separated from my 2 Great Pyrenees dogs and then they bawl and bawl until they see them again. Otherwise, not a peep from them.
  6. Deecarter

    Who has goats!?

    I have registered Nubians. This fall I'm breeding them with a registered Nigerian Dwarf so I can get miniature Nubians.
  7. Deecarter

    Field fence for goats?

    It says the openings are 6 inches. I have Nubians and it would work for my goats, but probably not the baby goats or puppies.
  8. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    I have 3 rows with each about 45 feet. I think after the next picking I'm pulling them and yep, giving them to the chickens and goats. Nothing goes to waste around our house.
  9. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    Oh I know what you mean. My hubby and I say all the time, if the younger generation had to feed themselves they would starve. Oh yeah, they could google it and find the info on how to grow, harvest and can but the hard work would put them in the dirt. They'd never be willing to do it. :)
  10. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    Oh my gosh! The green beans! Last week I canned 41 quarts and there are still blooms and baby green beans that will be coming on soon. I was exhausted by Friday.
  11. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Update on Jasmine, my 9 month old doe. She is doing great. She is running and jumping and acting normal again. I must say, I feel very good about that. Thank you all for your feed back and help. I really thought she was going to die at one point. I have learned A LOT. Now, I'm trying to...
  12. Deecarter

    B&B Happy Goats....journal

    I love this post. I can surely relate. There's no way I could go back to living in a subdivision, and I sincerely feel sorry for apartment dwellers. I love the smell of hay and hearing only the birds chirping in the mornings.
  13. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    Me too. I haven't bought jars in years. I've used the same ones and have plenty.
  14. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    Wow! $6 a pack? That's crazy! I wouldn't do that. It defeats the purpose. Just buy the produce.
  15. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    I didn't think about that, but I know my sister does a garden every year and needed some extra jars this year and couldn't find them in the stores or on line. I couldn't find lids this year. I had to order them on line. This pandemic stuff has gotten crazy in more way than one.
  16. Deecarter

    My garden and bush beans that have a little extra.

    I think these ARE heirloom seeds.
  17. Deecarter

    New to forum

    Our fenced area isn’t so big. They can see from one end to another. I know it is possible to train them to go in at night. I used to do my chickens that way and will again if I get to the place I can trust the hawks won’t be a threat.
  18. Deecarter

    New to forum

    That’s what I’ve heard. My sister’s son bought 3 bottle babies. They were cheap enough but 2 died from scours despite treatment.