The doeling and Buckling 2 are sold.
Buckling 1 and Buckling 3 (now a wether) are still available. We are asking $300 for the buckling and $200 for the wether.
That makes me feel better. Our buck was eating BOSS when he bred our does, so from personal experience I was thinking it was fine, but it's good to have that confirmed. Thanks!
Okay, so I have what I think is probably a weird question about black oil sunflower seeds. A friend of mine told me recently that I shouldn't give bucks BOSS because it can make them temporarily infertile. The only thing I can find that would possibly indicate that being the case is deficiency...
They don't have much pasture since we live on 2 acres with only 1 acre available to them to graze. I don't know if that affects the amount of grain they (the does or buck) should get.
Each goat gets their grain separated from the others so that we can monitor what they're eating. So, I'm wondering if once we take the babies away, will we start getting more milk because they babies aren't taking it even if we milk once a day?
All of our goats have free access to hay all the...
All of our goats have coastal hay available at all times. The does are 50ish pounds. The kids are seven weeks old, so definitely still nursing and they are growing well. The does are from milk lines.
We just dewormed the babies a couple weeks ago.
So, since we are just milking once a day, the...
We had been using herbal dewormers once a week, but were noticing they didn't seem to be working so well. We talked to one of our goat mentors and they said herbal doesn't work this far south. They told us to switch to chemical and told us how they do it. We dewormed everybody with Moxidectin...
I have two questions about feeding my goats:
1) We have two ND does and this is their first freshening. Their babies are 6 1/2 weeks old and we have been separating them overnight since they were 2 weeks. We are feeding the does 1 cup of grain, 1/2 cup alfalfa pellets, 1/4 cup corn, 1/4 cup...