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  1. G

    MINIS as Guards???

    Hey all- first question Are Mini Donkeys, Llamas or Alpacas still a good "guard animal" like their full sized counterparts? I have Mini Alpine dairy herd and KuneKunes, which are none too large and I wondered if a mini sentry would fit in better 😂 But I worried they might be roo docile? I have...
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    S.E. Idaho checking in! 🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. G

    Hello from the Rocky Mountain N.West!

    I love that! Esp. the friendly part... a lot of my old Prepper-Off Grid-Self Sustaining Groups on FB and Reddit are not very much 😂
  4. G

    Hello from the Rocky Mountain N.West!

    Hello! I am a wife & mother and very amateur farmer. I recently acquired our "starter herd" of only 4 goats- 2 Alpine wethers, and 2 miniAlpine doelings. Along with them we acquired 4 acres of pasture that we are improving and no later than spring I hope to add at least 4 more Alpine wethers &...