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  1. TheOddOneOut

    Hey all! Those of you from BYC probably know me….

    It was down for more than an hour last night for a big upgrade.
  2. TheOddOneOut

    Hey all! Those of you from BYC probably know me….

    I love the Chamois Appenzeller Spitzhaubens in your profile photo! What a pretty pair. I love that breed.
  3. TheOddOneOut

    Hey all! Those of you from BYC probably know me….

    Super Blue Egger. (EE x Leghorn - lays super big ice-blue eggs.) her name is Vanilla. She’s the wise-looking fluff-cheeked silvery pullet in a different photo. Here she is as an adult.
  4. TheOddOneOut

    Hey all! Those of you from BYC probably know me….

    Hello! Indeed we are, I suppose. BYC has been getting too many updates, lol.
  5. TheOddOneOut

    Hello from the Rocky Mountain N.West!

    Welcome from a fellow new member!
  6. TheOddOneOut

    Hey all! Those of you from BYC probably know me….

    Odd is here! Seeing as many of you also have accounts on BYC you may know me. A little about me: I’m a happy girl in Portland, Oregon with spoiled chickens and guinea pigs. I also ride horses (but don’t have the land to own them.) I joined…to be 100% honest I joined because BYC is down (for...