yeah i’ve heard multiple different things. i think at this point i’m going to wait to talk with the vet and go from there. we are giving them timothy pellets but the difference between the grain we were giving them and this new stuff is the timothy pellets is literally just rolled hay so they’re...
they get free choice hay. we just refill their hay feeder when needed. and with the timothy pellets they get 1/4-1/3 cup each. and the timothy pellets are just rolled hay nothing extra.
they will be a year in February:) we are feeding the timothy pellets just for something extra just because right now where they graze is extremely muddy because it’s rain season so being able to graze right now is pretty rare. and yes that was my plan to talk about nutrition with our vet, just...
Hello! i have 2 brother Nigerian dwarf goats (both are whethered). recently one of them will strain to pee but only occasionally and usually only after he’s already urinated a lot. He doesn’t do it after every-time he urinates either. we recently changed their diet from 1/4c of BOSS, purina goat...