I had a vet come out and je said there wasn't enough skin left to stick and I have to let it heal by its self it may take longer then 4 weeks so she may be pulled out of being shown
The lamb is 6 days old and has been taking to bottle for 5 days cause agyer the ewe stopped producing colostrum no milk came after its just harp about leaving him with his m cause I have to deal with school (year 11)
so not always at home
So the ewe who gave birth to Graham my ram has stopped producing milk I Need to take Graham off but not sure how it will effect his mum cause she quite attached
Any ideas what I could do
My ewe Is producing watery milk and won't let her lamb drink couldnthis be mastitis cause she has no other signs apart from what I've mentioned any ideas to what it could be and what to do (I do sup feed the lamb already)