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  1. W

    My Horse Won't Go Into The Barn

    Put a gate on it, and when you want him in the barn, put him in there and close the gate. No horses go in barns unless they are made to. Of course most of them will learn to go in if the barn has feed, water and hay and they can see other horses in there. But if a horse is actually afraid...
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    Feeling Guilted -- Should I be?

    LOL. Nobody likes hearing the truth. This was a VERY severe accident that could have killed this girl, but we're all supposed to pretend it wasn't about poor judgment when it was; we're all supposed to cuddle her ego and tell her not to feel guilty too. Sorry, I prefer the truth. Hearing...
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    Send her a very, very nice friendly letter on your lawyer's letterhead, written by your lawyer. Make absolutely sure people don't get on your property, especially one being fixed up. They usually injure themselves and then promptly sue everyone within 100 miles. If they don't sue, their...
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    mini horse foaling question

    I wasn't very clear in my original question. I never saw the foal. I understood that. I bought her shortly after giving birth and my understanding was the vet took the foal. My worry is, it's possible she was bred on her foal heat or shortly after and was worried she might have a genetic...
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    mini horse foaling question

    It really depends on what exactly the deformity was(in which direction the legs were too flexible and how severe it was, whether it responded to bandages and splinting or required surgery, as you think this one may have had); the vet who saw the foal and treated it is the best source of...
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    New Senior horse - need feeding regimen

    Get a veterinary dentist out, a good one, and have the horse's teeth done. Have your vet test the horse for disease, pain, metabolic disorders that could cause weight loss. DON'T make any changes to feed or go buying any supplements until the vet has had a chance to make sure there are no...
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    13.3 Quarter Mare

    If it was me I would not breed my mare unless she was really in the top 5-10 per cent of her breed. There are just too many unwanted horses. Same with mules. Sure you can think you will keep the foal but 9 times out of 10 people wind up having to sell the foal they bred for 'just myself'...
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    Feeling Guilted -- Should I be?

    The bottom line is that you made a bad choice to take a horse out on a trail when you knew you didn't really have full control of her. You shouldn't have done that. My guess is that you have been correcting all the horse's problems in the wrong way, and that's why the problems have persisted...
  9. W

    What is my horse worth

    The truth is the marketplace doesn't always value good training as much as it should. If your horse has registration papers, that will add to his value. And at 7, he isn't old enough to lose value due to age. If he has already shown in recognized shows and has a record of doing well in a...
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    horse acting aggressive

    Stop sitting in the pasture watching the horse eat, first of all. Watch it from the porch. You don't have any control over the horse when it is loose. Oh sure, I know, 'so and s on his DVD series says you do'. Well you don't - he may, but you don't. And what you do not see on his video...
  11. W

    Donkey dispositions...

    Donkeys are usually very thoughtful and deliberate. They are nothing like most horses. They need the same attention as any horse, though, as far as care of their feet, teeth and making sure they don't get overweight. Like many small ponies they may need strict limiting of their grazing...
  12. W

    Why Does She Do This?

    Most likely, you have made mistakes in how you correct this horse. You may be circling, but that may not stop the behavior because it doesn't happen quickly enough, assertively enough, or in the right direction. MANY people believe that if a horse abruptly turns right, they can simply keep...
  13. W

    Shivering Horse - UPDATE

    The so-called 'study' was an internet hoax and never took place, Mdres. The information below, is for others in the same situation. When a horse goes through a big climate change like this, put a blanket on him. Forget about 'building up his coat' after the cold weather has already started...
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    Mule salivating excessively

    I would not assume it is clover. Recommend you have a vet look at that mule's mouth. Soon.
  15. W

    question about ulcers

    Get a vet out. Losing weight despite having enough food is a serious red flag. If your schedules don't mesh, change your schedule, call a different vet, take a day off work, whatever it takes. No, don't reduce his grain when he's already losing weight. In fact, there is absolutely no...
  16. W

    pre-purchase vet check

    There are a couple very important issues that a prepurchase exam should cover. The most important thing of course is if the horse is suitable to the rider. Is the horse too powerful or too green for the rider? Is it really a good choice? A vet can offer an opinion, but that is really the...
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    Donkey With Digestive Blockage... Died

    Well quite a few donkeys I've been around are very, very quiet animals, even when healthy. I think they actually can be hard to read - I think kthey have an instinct to not obviously show any pain or illness. I suspect that it is difficult to buy a donkey that really is in super health, they...
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    Food Aggression? Update: Going from Bad to Worse! (post #5)

    I would respectfully submit you were pressing your luck on this one, in a very dangerous way. Your description of what you were doing was really scary. Please, don't. Horses don't treat people like 'little horses' out of disrespect or meanness. They do it because it's natural, normal and...
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    Donkey With Digestive Blockage... Died

    It's not always something one can prevent. It sounds as if the animal had a very severe blockage or rupture. Such a terrible shame. Some animals have had their digestive system damaged before we ever got them. Many animals aren't wormed routinely - especially if not wormed during the first...
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    Gaited horses?

    Try the flying pace on an Icelandic some day, LOL. You can take your hands off the reins and do like Kelly Reno in The Black Stallion, LOL.