we had an estimate guy come out for fencing and talked my husband out of the board fence. He didn't mind the wire fence as long as it looks good, meaning he doesn't have to put it in and get the posts crooked. Also, the fence guy said we would be fencing in a little over an acre. We also have...
I've looked at other posts, and most were interested in more cows that I am. I only want to raise 1, maybe 2, cows for beef (spring-fall butcher) I'm getting a quote tomorrow on fencing, but I'm not sure how much to fence in. If my darling husband would let me go the cheap route and just do...
I am in the research process...need help
I will probably get 2 feeder pigs, sometime this spring. I am currently looking in to the fencing.
1) I will probably go with pig panels; have noticed they are hooked together in a square, but no one has explained about a gate to me...I know, crazy...