That is what I think I am going to do... The ewe in question I do like, she is long-bodied and tall with a nice topline- also Dorset/Suffolk. The lamb is a very nice ewe lamb. The breeder was very kind about the whole situation and even offered to meet me halfway to swap sheep.
Just got off the phone with the breeder. She gave me a few different options to think over including swapping her for another ewe/lamb pair that I was considering last time. Another option would be to just return her.
She also said although unlikely, it IS possible that Sherry lambed at the...
She is self-sucking. Caught her red-hooved with her head down there suspiciously but she stopped when I got close. Checked -and yep- both teats slimy and wet!
My first thought is getting a cone of shame for her? I do know this is a habit hard pressed to break. 😔
He is sure she did not lamb, asked what I'm feeding her. Going to call in the morning to hopefully troubleshoot.
Could a drastic change-up in food cause this? She was being fed alfalfa hay, but since she's been here I've re-introduced her to spring grass (rye/clover/etc) and started her on a...
The seller did not give me a breeding date, but said she was due within a month - but thought sooner rather than later due to the size/tightness of her udder. Her rear end also looked pretty swollen and big compared to how it looks now.
I was going to buy two bred ewes but one ended up lambing...
Also, I crutched her myself a few days ago. When I brought her here, her back end was a huge mess right below her lady parts, but it appeared to be from pee/poop because it was so overgrown it was directly in line with her pee stream.
Her teats are very slimy if that means anything.
Rear-end pic taken a few minutes ago. She would’ve had to give birth last Sunday morning/noon at the latest. So 8 days ago
Okay this might sound crazy.
It seems like since the first day I got Sherry (the new ewe) and felt her udder, to feeling it tonight at feeding time, her udder is SHRINKING. The first day I brought her home I remember being astonished at how large and tight it was. Tonight it was very squishy...
My girl on day 149 is isolating herself this morning. She tricked me a few days ago so she better not be lying this time! I already put in the order for Easter babies.
Ewe code! 😅 Not having a due date is driving me crazy. But, my other ewe is on day 148 and also driving me just as crazy checking for signs. Either way you can’t win!
I recently picked up a young pregnant ewe, Dorset/Suffolk cross. She appears to be way closer to lambing than I thought, and is only 10 months old so that is a bit concerning. Very uddered up, ultrasounded by previous owners with a single.
The past few days she has had long strings of clear...