Search results

  1. tripletfeb

    Got here from BYC

    You posted a picture of your name and age(under 13). Then a different picture of yourself. And it was me that reported it. You have to be careful online, like I said, there are creepers everywhere
  2. tripletfeb

    Got here from BYC

    Parkersburg is around where we are looking too! Arnoldburg area as well You have to be 13 to use any of these sites, it's for your protection. Creepers are everywhere, even innocent places like this. People can and will report you if you are underage. My son is 12, if he ever posted what you...
  3. tripletfeb

    Got here from BYC

    Hey everyone! I've been an active member of BYC for five years now and thought I signed up for BYH too but I guess not. My husband and I are trying to buy land in West Virginia so we can start our own little homestead. Currently we have five hens and a garden, that's about it. Fingers crossed we...